Fuel Manager
Installing a Direction Plus™ Pre-Fuel Filter kit between the fuel tank and the O.E.M fuel filter will remove the majority of water and particle contamination.This leaves the O.E.M fuel filter to do the final and finer filtration. This ensures you are maximising the protection of your diesel fuel system.
Maintain and protect the fuel system on your NP300
It’s easy to think that fuel contamination is something that happens “in the bush” but this is simply not true! Did you know that 72% of all diesel fuel injection system failures are caused by water and fuel lubricity problems? Direction Plus™ Diesel Fuel Pre-Filter Kits protect late model common rail diesel engines against costly injector failure.
Installing a Direction Plus™ Pre-Fuel Filter kit between the fuel tank and the O.E.M fuel filter will remove the majority of water and particle contamination.This leaves the O.E.M fuel filter to do the final and finer filtration. This ensures you are maximising the protection of your diesel fuel system.
For the ultimate front line defence against water and particle contamination, investing in a DirectionPlus™ Diesel Fuel Pre-Filter Kit will protect your investment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.